Felix Hardmood Beck

|   Creative Convergences of Art, Design and Technology.



The Visuals into Auditory Images Transformer – Soxels V2

A back-projected translucent speaker array functions as a membrane transforming lightwaves into soundwaves.

A large scale array of speakers that transforms visuals into auditory images. The soundscape and the visual reference are directly superimposed on each other by using transparent speakers. Image content projected onto the back side of the Soxels wall, either by using video projectors, or natural light sources such as shadows of people walking by, generate the visuals that are on the very same place transformed into an acoustic collage assembled out of hundreds or thousands of individual sound sources. The speakers function as light waves into sound waves transformers. Thus each speaker becomes equally a visual and a sound pixel. This visual to sound transformation is performed by sophisticated sound processing technology that provides each speaker with an individual sound stream relating to the respective local picture content.

Together with Zosia Gliszczyńska (organisation team of Digital_ia Media Arts Festival), Felix Hardmood Beck and Simon Schiessl organized a workshop that took place during Digital_ia in Szczezin, Poland, from January 21 until January 26, 2013. The works of the workshop’s participants (see above picture gallery), mostly students from the Szczezin Art Academy, were presented on a Soxels Wall in the 13 Muz gallery from January 26 until February 28, 2013. Workshop participants in alphabetical order: Ala Dopierala, Bartek Puh, Ewa Dajer, Emilia Brulinska, Krzysiek Jakubczyk, Krzysiek Jastrzebski, Maciej Pietruszka, Michal Banasik, Pani Pawlosky, Wojciech Morawski, Zuzanna Buklala

The array of translucent speakers can be integrated into any spatial scenarios. In the example visualisation on the right , the Soxels wall form a audio wall as interface between inside and outside: Loud and impolite street noise could be filtered into beautiful sounds of nature…

A collaboration of Felix Beck together with Simon Schießl

© Copyrights by Felix Hardmood Beck, 2002–2023. All rights reserved. 



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