Felix Hardmood Beck

|   Creative Convergences of Design, Art and Technology.


Pencil and chalk drawings, 1999/2000

Pencil and marker scribbles, 2000/2001

Marker drawings  & scribbles, 2001/2002

Computer-mouse desktop garage – Ice-cream packaging for nerdy kids., Oct. 2000

Breeze: Development of an Alcopop brand, Düsseldorf, Feb. 2001

Breeze: Design of an alcopop drink can, Düsseldorf, Feb. 2001.

Collage of graphical works, 2003-2004

Label 6


Workbook 1 – Learning as a student

A wild mixture of unrelated works from Felix’s days at the Berlin University of the Arts (and the time before).

While the better presentable projects are featured each one on its own in the portfolio section (see for example VR Port, Visualizer, HackSet, iRauch, DCO, GeøCane, Zoanthroid), the examples presented in this section are snapshots of less important works from Felix's studies at the Düsseldorf Academy for Visual Communication (1999-2002/aged 19-22) and the University of the Arts Berlin (2002-2007/aged 23-29). Felix shares these samples to provide his students insights into the learning process and the evolution of one's skills over time. The purpose of displaying these examples is to not only showcase Felix's own progression, but also to serve as a source of inspiration and encouragement for his students as they navigate their own learning journey.

Sorry that some of the photographs are in a low-resolution and/or in a poor quality., but there were no super-duper iPhoneX cameras back in the days…

Archive of smaller side-projects Felix worked on in the Class for New Media Design
Digitale Klasse, Prof. Sauter, KM Jussi Ängeslevä, Berlin University of the Arts

Keyboard bored series: Several prototypes that feature interchangeable keyboard layouts, July 2005 (semester 6).

Hardware prototype with a physical interchangeable keyboard layout.

Low-tech version

The Chair Commodity-Tool, Digitale Klasse, Prof. Joachim Sauter, April 2005

Presentation and demonstration of the »Apple key«. A prototype of a gigantic USB-plugable apple button with the goal that Windows user can also use apple short-cuts.

The Chair Commodity-Tool, Digitale Klasse, Prof. Joachim Sauter, April 2005

The Chair Commodity-Tool
Presentation and demonstration of a hardware prototype with a physical interchangeable keyboard layout.

»No money for the expensive iSight camera« project, Digitale Klasse, Prof. Joachim Sauter, April 2005

»Operation Cybear« project, Digitale Klasse, Prof. Joachim Sauter, April 2005

»Rabbit in a Snake«, Digitale Klasse, Prof. Joachim Sauter, April 2005

Man stelle sich folgende Trickfilmszene vor: FigurA ruft FigurB an. Die beiden telefonieren miteinander; ein Streit entbrennt. FigurA brüllt ins Telefon und das laut Ausgesprochene wird im Cartoon als eine sich durch das Telefonkabel bewegende Datenblase gezeigt. Erwecken wir den Trickfilm zur Wirklichkeit! “Rabbit In A Snake - A Moving Data Blob” visualisiert den Datenstrom, der durch das Netzwerkkabel fließt anhand einer Styroporkugel, die mit zwei Motoren durch ein langgezogenes Strumpfhosenbein gezogen wird. Das untere animierte gif zeigt den Aufbau ohne die Strumpfhose). Die Motoren werden dabei per Relays über USB angesteuert.

»Operation Cybear« project, Digitale Klasse, Prof. Joachim Sauter, April 2005

»2hoch8« project, 256 RGB LEDs form an arrow, April 2005

© Copyrights by Felix Hardmood Beck, 2002–2023. All rights reserved. 



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