Felix Hardmood Beck

|   Creative Convergences of Design, Art and Technology.



Baltic-Sea Mediatable

An interactive media table on topics all around the Baltic-Sea for the German Oceanographic Museum.

The Ozeanum was inaugurated in Stralsund in July 2008. It is the museum and aquarium of the underwater world of the northern seas built by the Deutsches Meeresmuseum (German Marine Museum). ART+COM has developed an interactive knowledge table about the Baltic Sea, which illustrates the influence of industry, tourism and agriculture in the sea. A documentation video can be found here.

On the surface of the oval 2.2 by 1.6 meters long table, the entire Baltic Sea is shown with the adjacent coastal areas as an extensive animated information graphic. Ten symbols represent the various business sectors that affect the ecosystem of the Baltic Sea. Information windows open on touching the icons and visitors can control the activities of the industries such as fisheries or shipping traffic, and hence the degree of negative impact – marked in red – on the Baltic Sea. In another step, measures to limit damage, resolve conflicts of use and protect the sea – marked in green – can be tested interactively.

At regular intervals, the knowledge table switches to depletion and glacial mode. In the depletion mode, the entire seawater runs out and the rugged ground becomes visible. The second mode shows what the Baltic Sea looks like when it is glaciated.

At a time four visitors can expand their knowledge at the media table about the use of natural space and potential risks for the sea. The touch-sensitive table surface facilitates intuitive and playful access to the information.

Art Direction for ART+COM | client: German Oceanographic Museum | © by ART+COM

Angela Merkel testing the media-table (Chancellor of Germany from 2005 to 2021).

© Copyrights by Felix Hardmood Beck, 2002–2023. All rights reserved. 



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