About Felix:
(links to external sites of academic work & partner institutions)
Past Projects:
VR Port
Concept for the German Computer Game Museum of a simulation of a computer generated world (the „matrix“) in the physical world.
Virtual reality. Immersion. Simulation. The visitor moves through the room. A closed wall is in front of him – apparently closed, because one can penetrate the wall easily. Through the use of laser and mirror technology, the visitor immerses him-/herself in a computer-generated world and becomes part of the matrix. The VR Port – a non virtual space – was created as a concept in the exhibition design class at the Berlin University of the Arts (pre-diploma project), designed for the Computer Games Museum in Berlin, and presented at Games Convention in Leipzig in 2004.
Presentation of the VR port during Felix Beck’s Vordiplom presentation at the University of the Arts Berlin in July 2004.
Picture and short video clip by Sascha Konrad.
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