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»NYU Abu Dhabi is the embodiment of openness, opportunity, and optimism – at a moment in history when those qualities are desperately needed.«

NYU President Andrew Hamilton, 2018

Please note that this wiki is no longer being updated, but it remains online for documentation purposes. Nevertheless, if you come across broken links, feel free to get in touch so that Felix could eventually correct those. Find a new wiki that features Prof. Beck's some other works here. — 2020/09/26 07:34

felix_beck.jpgFelix Hardmood Beck shares the interest of New York University Abu Dhabi and it's Engineering Department to strengthen activities in providing undergraduate students an exceptional education, and, specifically, for the Engineering Design Studio, the Design Minor program, and the Interactive Media Program to achieve global acceptance and to become a leading position and a centre of excellence in design, innovation and technology in the MENA region. Read his full teaching statement and find more information on his research at the Lab for Narrative Technologies and Spatial Installations (NTSI-Lab), and the the Plastic Recycling Lab.


Courses that Felix teaches/taught/co-taught at NYUAD. Find course description and additional information (pictures etc.) by clicking onto course titles below. Some projects that Felix mentored in parallel to his course work are documented here.

Year Term Course title Course Type Documentation
2020 Spring Utilitas, Venustas, Firmitas CADT-UH 1016 schedule, student projects
J-Term Plastic Fantastic ! CADT-UH 1045J schedule, Open Calendar, Interview about the course in The Sustainabilist
2019 Fall Manus Et Machina CADT-UH 1001 schedule, field-trip I. & field-trip II., Generative Design Workshop
Spring Utilitas, Venustas, Firmitas CADT-UH 1016 schedule, student projects, field-trip, weaving workshop, Zimoun artist talk
Engineers for Social Impact (I.) ENGR-AD-324
J-Term Design & Innovation ENGR-AD-110J
2018 Fall Manus Et Machina CADT-UH 1001 schedule, Twitter impressions: 1,2, 3, field trip, pictures from the course
Spring Utilitas, Venustas, Firmitas CADT-UH 1016 schedule, pictures
Engineers for Social Impact (I.) ENGR-AD-324
J-Term Design & Innovation ENGR-AD-110J
2017 Fall Manus Et Machina CADT-UH 1001 schedule, Box Code, field-trip, banner, pictures
Spring Utilitas, Venustas, Firmitas CORE-AD-72 schedule, field-trip, pictures, projects
Engineers for Social Impact (I.) ENGR-AD-324 field-trip
J-Term Design & Innovation ENGR-AD-110J
2016 Fall Man & Machines CORE-AD-16 schedule, projects, exhibition, field-trip,
Introduction to Interactive Media MDMED-AD-101 blog, exhibition
Spring Design Fundamentals ENGR-AD-323 pictures
Engineers for Social Impact (II.) ENGR-AD-324
J-Term Design & Innovation ENGR-AD-110J
2015 J-Term Design & Innovation ENGR-AD-110J

Workshops and other Activities



Year Workshops Documentation
2020Cardboard Architecture, Workshop with Tobias Horrocks (hosted by NTSI Lab)
2019Generative Design Workshop with Michael Schmitz (hosted by NTSI Lab) documentation, twitter pic
Innovation Workshop with NYUAD Executive Education, Dubai World Trade Center pic 1 , pic 2 , pic 3
Plastic Bag Workshop entry on blog
2018Workshop 'Plastic Bag – Creative Recycling Workshop', NTSI-Lab, NYUAD ⇒ PP WANA Conference 2018
Workshop with Pablo Dornhege (UdK Berlin), NTSI-Lab, NYUAD documentation
Innovation Workshop with NYUAD Executive Education, SEHA - Abu Dhabi Health Services pic 1
2017Workshop 'Functions of Ornament', University of the Arts Berlin, GER documentation
Workshop with Prof. Zlatan Filipovic (AUS): 'Mapping Abandoned Spaces', Sarajevo, BA
Workshop with FELD Studio: Kinetic Installations, NTSI-Lab, NYUAD
Workshop with Mattia Bernini (Precious Plastic): Plastic Recycling Machines, NTSI-Lab, NYUAD
Workshop: Media in Space, American University of Sharjah, UAE
Workshop: Nothing to Something – An Introduction to Rapid Prototyping, NYUAD, Interactive Media Lab
2016Innovation Workshop with Executive Affairs Authority (UAE), Engineering Design Studio, NYUAD
Workshop »Digital Camera Obscura«, Sikka Art Fair, Dubai, UAE video 1, video 2, pic 1
Interactive Media Workshop, Interactive Media Lab, NYUADpic 1


As part of his courses and committee services Felix is actively involved in exhibitions to display students' projects:

Year Term Exhibition Title Documentation
2019Fall Semester Glimpses – The Art of Science, NYUAD Arts Center
Spring Semester Exhibition in Abu Dhabi Mall Buddy Bear Project
Spring Semester Utilitas, Venustas, Firmitas poster
J-Term superLab(2019) – next++ poster
2018Fall Semester Plastic Fantastic website
Fall Semester Manus Et Machina
Fall Semester Storytelling with VR, American University of Sharjah Twitter: 1, 2
FILE Media Arts Festival, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Spring Semester Utilitas, Venustas, Firmitas poster, pictures from the exhibition
Spring Semester FILE'17 – White Cube Exhibitionpictures from the exhibition
2017Fall Semester Manus Et Machina pictures from the exhibition
FILE Media Arts Festival, Sao Paolo, Brazil
ECHO Design Festival Dubai, UAE
Spring Semester Utilitas, Venustas, Firmitas pictures from the exhibition
J-Term superLab(2017) – The Extended Family Room poster, pictures from the exhibition
2016 Fall Semester December Showcase pictures from the exhibition
May–July EfSI Dharavi, Mumbai, India poster, pictures from the exhibition
Spring Semester Design Fundamentals poster
Spring Semester Engineers for Social Impact poster, pictures from the exhibition
Spring Semester Global Heritage Sites in the UAE poster
J-Term Corniche Currents poster, pictures from the exhibition
2015 Fall Semester re_manufact Media Arts exhibitionCuration together with Regina Tetens

Compiled information on several topics:

Hard- and software


NYUAD/UAE related

Open Office

Felix is offering project oriented help to students in one-on-one sessions. He is available by appointment in his office (ERB 153 ⇒ Where to find his office…) during “Open Office” hours:

felix_office_c1_153.jpgOffice: C1, 153

Open Lab

Felix is offering project oriented help in one-on-one meetings or sessions with small groups. He is available at the NTSI-Lab (A5, 015-2) and the Plastic Recycling Research Lab (B2 basement, SERCO's waste management site) during “Open Lab” sessions:

ntsi_prototyping_lab.jpgNTSI Lab's prototyping space: A5, 015-2


The Plastic Recycling Research Lab is located in the basement (B2) of NYUAD campus. To visit the Plastic Lab you have to find your way to the East Cafeteria (also called D2 Dining Hall) following the signs. Take the lift that is right from the entrance of the cafeteria, to the lowest level (B2 basement). You are almost there! Exiting the glass door in front of the lift you just have to take five more turns to the left. The Plastic Lab is located at the Waste Management Site on the underground Ring Road. The entrance is hidden in the corner. Also check out this drawing.


The below contact information is outdated. Find the new information here.

Felix Hardmood Beck
Assistant Professor of Practice of Design

Telephone (office): +971 2628 5241
Personal website:

Office (Mailing Address)
Experimental Research Building (ERB), Building C1, Office 153 ⇒ map
New York University Abu Dhabi
Saadiyat Island
Abu Dhabi, UAE

NTSI Lab (
Lab for Narrative Technologies and Spatial Installations (NTSI Lab)
Building A5, Lab 015-2 (inside Engineering Design Studio)
New York University Abu Dhabi
P.O. Box 129188
Abu Dhabi, UAE

Plastic Lab (
Plastic Recycling Research Lab
Building D2, B2 basement, Ring Road/Service Road, Waste Management Site
New York University Abu Dhabi
P.O. Box 129188
Abu Dhabi, UAE

start.1701761196.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/28 19:11 (external edit)