Table of Contents

Plastic Fantastic !?

Location: A5-001
Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2020, 9:00AM – 5:00PM


  1. Infos about tomorrow's trip to Borouge: dress code, etc.

Overture: Case-Study presentations

01The story of Barbie and the Woman Who Created Her Aayron

Some more links:

Presentation Rules

Short presentation on presentations and Felix's golden rules of how to present.

  1. Content is king.
  2. Know your hardware.
  3. Know your software.
  4. Give your presentation a structure.
  5. Reduce the number of slides.
  6. Time your Talk.
  7. Less is more (Use an unobtrusive template design).
  8. Use slides as scenery.
  9. Remember Conway’s Law…
  10. No visual twaddle: Practice design – not decoration.
  11. If you show a picture, show it big.
  12. Show infographics that are understandable and contain actual information.
  13. Never stretch a font. It is all about readability – Typography rules!
  14. Never use more than two typefaces.
  15. Reduce bullet-point lists where possible.
  16. Do not use acronyms.
  17. Quote.
  18. Use effects or transitions only once and only if necessary.
  19. God is in the Details.
  20. Break the rules only if you know them.

Afternoon: Fab Rotation

Be on time! Please remember the instructor that you will have to leave on time!

Student team 1: Ilya, Shamsa, Li, Thomas
Student team 2: Ngoc, Daniel H., Kevin
Student team 3: Sashank, Daniel J., Wilson
Student team 4: Aayush, Martyna, Aisha

Introduction to 3D printing (Felix)
Location: Experimental Research Building (ERB), Building C1, Office 153 ⇒ map
1-2pm: team 2
2-3pm: team 3
3-4pm: team 4
4-5pm: team 1

Introduction to use the Carvey (Rafay, Kazi)
Location: Plastic Lab (B2 basement), some hints where to find the Plastic Lab, map
1-2pm: team 3
2-3pm: team 4
3-4pm: team 1
4-5pm: team 2

Introduction to laser cutting (Esteban)
Location: Advanced Manufacturing Workshop (A5, 011)
1-2pm: team 1
2-3pm: team 2
3-4pm: team 3
4-5pm: team 4