Intro to IM

Place: Inside the teaching lab that is hidden somewhere deep in the Arts Center
Time: Wednesday, October 26, 2016, 2:40pm – 5:20pm


Functions & Objects


The above pictures show Felix laptop after it fell down… (Some examples of student projects.)



  1. Make a screenshot of your artwork (the assignment that you showed in todays class) and the accompanying inspiration, and upload it via NYU Classes.
  2. If possible fill in your name here
  3. Make a visual art piece OR game to display at the Open Studio.
    • It must be 1200x1200px
    • Accommodate 2 “interactors”, who will use WASD and the Arrow keys respectively.
    • Since it's projected from above, it must be viewable from all sides
    • If you need inspiration look at the works of Casey Reas, Ben Fry, Dan Shiffman