Introduction to Interactive Media (MDMED-AD 101)

Place: Inside the teaching lab that is hidden somewhere deep in the Arts Center
When: Monday, August 29, 2016, 14:40 am – 15:55 am

Welcome Words | What is all this about?

  1. James says many words…
  2. Introduction Felix (courses, research (like Holi He), OpenCalendar, OpenOffice, OpenStudio)
  3. Some of my older works (My Little Soundbombs, E27 plus More, Vatnajokull)
  4. About you –> Why are you taking this course?


Introduction to the Course

  1. NYU classes ⇒ Weblog (
  2. Weekly Schedule (like this one): Monday Session (2:40hr session) + Wednesday Session (1:15hr session)
  3. Final Show
  4. Questions?


  1. Reading: There are no Electrons (PDF).
  2. Think about one cool application for the E27 plus More project. Make a drawing that visualises your idea and publish your drawing with a short description on the 2016 – Intro to IM Blog. As discussed in classed, if the Wordpress Blog is not yet set-up in time, please bring your drawing(s) to class to present it/them the old fashion/analog way during the next meeting on Wednesday.