===== Course structure/schedule of meetings/list of discussion topics =====
==== Spring Semester 1 ====
|Week 1 |[[:uvf_01-24-17|TUE, 01-24-17]]|Introduction to the course|
| |[[:uvf_01-26-17|THU, 01-26-17]]|Kick-Off Workshop (soldering radio components) |
|Week 2 |[[:uvf_01-29-17|SUN, 01-29-17]]|Lab (sketching, scribbling, rendering), Lecture (project management)|
| |[[:uvf_01-31-17|TUE, 01-31-17]]|Design as a Concept, Project Colloquium (gantt-chart, conceptual sketches, moodboards)|
| |[[:uvf_02-02-17|THU, 02-02-17]]|Lab: Introduction to [[:engineeringdesignstudio|EDS]] machines (laser cutter, 3D-printer, CNC machine, waterjet cutter)|
|Week 3 |[[:uvf_02-05-17|SUN, 02-05-17]]|Lab: Introduction to [[:engineeringdesignstudio|EDS]] safety, hand tools, materials |
| |[[:uvf_02-07-17|TUE, 02-07-17]]|Project Colloquium (mood boards, mind map), Felix's Golden Rules for Presentations|
| |[[:uvf_02-09-17|THU, 02-09-17]]|[[:2017_uvf_case_studies|Case-study presentations]] (No. 1, No. 2), class discussion|
|Week 4 |[[:uvf_02-12-17|SUN, 02-12-17]]|Lecture (Design & History), Project Colloquium, Visit by Writing Instructor (Writing Center)|
| |[[:uvf_02-14-17|TUE, 02-14-17]]|[[:2017_uvf_case_studies|Case-study presentations]] (No. 3, No. 4), class discussion|
| |[[:uvf_02-16-17|THU, 02-16-17]]|[[:2017_uvf_case_studies|Case-study presentations]] (No. 5), class discussion|
|Week 5 |[[:uvf_02-19-17|SUN, 02-19-17]]|Lecture (Design Thinking), Project Colloquium|
| |[[:uvf_02-21-17|TUE, 02-21-17]]|Student presentation of [[:2017_uvf_essay1|Essay 1]] (student 1), class discussions|
| |[[:uvf_02-23-17|THU, 02-23-17]]|[[:2017_uvf_case_studies|Case-study presentations]] (No. 6), class discussion|
|Week 6 |[[:uvf_02-26-17|SUN, 02-26-17]]|Project Colloquium
| | |Cinema session: Movie Theatre (C3) at 8pm ⇒ 'Objectified', Gary Hustwit, 2009|
| |[[:uvf_02-28-17|TUE, 02-28-17]]|Student presentation of [[:2017_uvf_essay1|Essay 1]] (student 2), class discussions|
| |[[:uvf_03-02-17|THU, 03-02-17]]|[[:2017_uvf_case_studies|Case-study presentations]] (No. 7), class discussion|
|Week 7 |[[:uvf_03-05-17|SUN, 03-05-17]]|Lecture (Rapid Prototyping), Project Colloquium|
| |[[:uvf_03-07-17|TUE, 03-07-17]]|Lab session|
| |[[:uvf_03-09-17|THU, 03-09-17]]|Guest Talk by [[https://preciousplastic.com/en/|Precious Plastic]] |
|Week 8 |[[:uvf_03-12-17|SUN, 03-12-17]]|Project Colloquium|
Spring Break: 16–25 March 2017
==== Spring Semester 2 ====
|Week 8 |[[:uvf_03-26-17|SUN, 03-26-17]] |Lecture: Design & Methodology, Project Colloquiumm|
| |[[:uvf_03-28-17|TUE, 03-28-17]] |Student presentation of [[:2017_uvf_essay1|Essay 1]] (student 3), class discussion|
| |[[:uvf_03-30-17|THU, 03-30-17]] |[[:2017_uvf_case_studies|Case-study presentations]] (No. 8), class discussion|
|Week 9 |[[:uvf_04-02-17|SUN, 04-02-17]] |Lecture: Graphic Design, Project Colloquium|
| | |Cinema session: Movie Theatre (C3) at 8pm ⇒ 'Helvetica', Gary Hustwit, 2007|
| |[[:uvf_04-04-17|TUE, 04-04-17]] |Student presentation of [[:2017_uvf_essay1|Essay 1]] (student 4), class discussion |
| |[[:uvf_04-06-17|THU, 04-06-17]] |[[:2017_uvf_case_studies|Case-study presentations]] (No. 9, No. 10), class discussion|
|Week 10|[[:uvf_04-09-17|SUN, 04-09-17]] |Lecture: The Function of Design, Project Colloquium |
| |[[:uvf_04-11-17|TUE, 04-11-17]] |Student presentation of [[:2017_uvf_essay1|Essay 1]] (student 5), class discussion |
| |[[:uvf_04-13-17|THU, 04-13-17]] |[[:2017_uvf_case_studies|Case-study presentations]] (No. 11, No. 12), class discussion |
| |[[:uvf17_fieldtrip|FRI, 04-14-17]]|Course trip (Al Ain => desert)|
| |[[:uvf17_fieldtrip|SAT, 04-15-17]]|Course trip (desert => Dubai) |
|Week 11|[[:uvf_04-16-17|SUN, 04-16-17]] |Lecture: Interface Design, Project Colloquium|
| |[[:uvf_04-18-17|TUE, 04-18-17]] |Student presentation of [[:2017_uvf_essay1|Essay 1]] (student 6), class discussion|
| |[[:uvf_04-20-17|THU, 04-20-17]] |Project work in the Engineering Design Studio |
|Week 12|[[:uvf_04-23-17|SUN, 04-23-17]] |Lecture: Interaction Design, Project Colloquium|
| |[[:uvf_04-25-17|TUE, 04-25-17]] |[[:2017_uvf_case_studies|Case-study presentations]] (No. 13, No.14), class discussion |
| |[[:uvf_04-27-17|THU, 04-27-17]] | Excursion to '[[http://www.blacksmith.ae|Blacksmith Coffee]]' |
|Week 13|[[:uvf_04-30-17|SUN, 04-30-17]] |Field trip to [[http://www.saadiyat.ae/en/inspiration-details/5/Manarat-Al-Saadiyat|Manarat Al Saadiyat]], Lecture: Architecture you should know |
| |[[:uvf_05-02-17|TUE, 05-02-17]] |Project Colloquium, Prototyping & realisation in the Engineering Design Studio |
| |[[:uvf_05-04-17|THU, 05-04-17]] |[[:2017_uvf_case_studies|Case-study presentations]] (No. 15, No. 16), class discussion|
|Week 14|[[:uvf_05-07-17|SUN, 05-07-17]] |Lecture: Designers you should know, Project Colloquium |
| |[[:uvf_05-09-17|TUE, 05-09-17]] |Project Colloquium, Prototyping & realisation in the Engineering Design Studio |
| |[[:uvf_05-11-17|THU, 05-11-17]] |Demonstration of working project prototypes (students 1–6)|
|Week 15|[[:uvf_05-15-17|SUN, 05-15-17]] |**Exhibition** |