===== Manus Et Machina ===== Location: A4-006\\ Thursday, Sep. 05, 2019, 11:50 – 13:05 ---- === Forword === - Attendance - Sunday night: //Speculative Landscapes// exhibition opening! - Reminder: We will meet coming Sunday for the laser-cutter introduction in the Advanced Manufacturing Workshop (A5, Esteban Salvemini). Be aware of early start at 8:00 AM! See groups and schedule [[mm19_sep-15|here]]. - Please reserve the date and RSVP for [[http://www.neoanalog.io|Michael Schmitz's]] Generative Design Workshop {{:letters_of_code_poster_michael_schmitz.png?400|}} === Intermezzo I.: The Geometry of Motion === * From the water clock to water management… * The [[https://www.google.com/search?q=shadoof&num=20&safe=active&client=safari&rls=en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiar5PG7MjdAhXkJcAKHTBhCDoQiR56BAgHEBY&biw=2036&bih=1052#imgrc=4os4mWTYm4YkTM:|Shadoof]] system * [[https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&client=safari&rls=en&biw=2036&bih=1052&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=2i-jW_mcINGbgQaJnanIBg&q=noria+water+system&oq=noria+water+system&gs_l=img.3...84642.88824.0.89351.|Norias]] = Large waterwheels (waterwheel of Hama, Syria ⇒ [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uHhPDFRum0|youtube]]) * [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archimedes%27_screw|Archimedes' Screw]] vs [[https://preciousplastic.com/en/videos/build/upgrades/extrusion-screw.html|extrusion screw]] === Intermezzo II.: Presentation Rules === Short presentation on presentations and Felix's [[presentation_rules|golden rules of how to present]]. - Content is king. - Know your hardware. - Know your software. - Give your presentation a structure. - Reduce the number of slides. - Time your Talk. - Less is more (Use an unobtrusive template design). - Use slides as scenery. - Remember Conway’s Law… - No visual twaddle: Practice design – not decoration. - If you show a picture, show it big. - Show infographics that are understandable and contain actual information. - Never stretch a font. It is all about readability – Typography rules! - Never use more than two typefaces. - Reduce bullet-point lists where possible. - Do not use acronyms. - Quote. - Use effects or transitions only once and only if necessary. - God is in the Details. - Break the rules only if you know them. === Overture === We will have a look at the mood-boards and will try to identify common areas to team up for projects.