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men_machines_09-15-16 [2016/09/15 10:10] felix_hardmood_beckmen_machines_09-15-16 [2024/06/28 19:11] (current) – external edit
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 +===== Men & Machines | Machines in Films =====
 +Engineering Design Studio (A5, 015)\\
 +Thursday, September 15, 2016, 11:50 am – 13:05 pm 
 +=== Forword ===
 +  * Attendance
 +  * Essay 1 – any comments?
 +  * Reminder: Sunday night => EDS Cinema night (Ex Machina, Alexander Medawar Garland, 2015) with Popcorn
 +  * Ars Electronica 2016 overview
 +=== Case-study presentations ===
 +| 07 | Works of film director Fritz Lang  |  September 15, 2016    | <del>Jack</del>  |
 +| 08 | The production of the film //Metropolis//  |  September 15, 2016    | Yung-Ju  |
 +=== Discussion ===
 +  * Take a look into the mirror. Which machines control your life? What do you think about that? Are there ways to change things? 
 +=== Homework ===
 +Please remember that you should have picked your theme and have already started with conceptualising your machine for our next meeting on Sunday, September 18, 2016.
 +Please start with your research by collecting images that are in some way related to your machine (e.g. material that you would like to use, interesting functions, similar interpretations of the same topic, etc.). Search also for machines that might have been produced in the past. We do not want to look like copy-cats by re-inventing something that somebody else has already done in a better matter. You will be asked to show images that inspired you during next class session. You will also be asked to present your re-shaped idea – everybody will be forced to give very critical feedback to that idea.
 +Over the next days and weeks you should tweak your concept over and over again. Be open for feedback. Matt and I are happy to challenge your ideas. You should produce tons of scribbles, drawings, Photoshop stills or other kind of renderings, or visualisations, of every machine detail that you have in mind. From my point of view you should – from now on – spend at least 1,5 hours per day on your machine project.
 +Do not forget to finalise project report No. 01, which should give me an overview of where you are with research and concept.
 +In short:
 +  * Select your semester theme and start to conceptualise your machine.
 +  * Research: collect images that inspire you. Look for similar machines that have been produced before.
 +  * Produce scribbles, drawings, Photoshop stills or other kind of renderings of what you have in mind.
 +  * Send Felix your project report No. 01
 +=== Links ===
 +  * Metropolis:
 +  * Ex Machina:
 +  * Link from Dan:
men_machines_09-15-16.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/28 19:11 by