Felix Hardmood Beck

|   Creative Convergences of Art, Design and Technology.



Augmented 3D-exhibits

An installation using AR to introduce to products and machinery of Reifenhäuser Group.

For the Reifenhäuser Group, a global provider of innovative technologies and components for the shaping of plastics, ART+COM has developed an augmented installation that introduces the company’s products.

Four highly complex production units sold by Reifenhäuser Group are represented as augmented physical models that can be explored interactively with an iPad. The models have been 3D-printed in great detail at a scale of 1:18 using a laser sintering process. Sitting on square bases, they can be viewed from all sides.

Details of the machines’ technical features can be viewed using iPads that are provided. Textual information about the components of the units is automatically displayed as a virtual layer over the camera image when a tablet is aimed at a model. When these hotspots on the screen are touched, more detailed information is provided.

Should a physical presentation of the 3D-printed models not be possible, the company can use the iPad application independently. It features virtual models of each unit that can be freely rotated on the touchscreen and viewed from several per­spec­tives. The iPad-only version also offers in-depth information about individual components via interactive fields.

Concept and Art Direction for ART+COM Studios, 3D by Simon Haecker, realisation of UI and iOS by Michael Schmitz and Kersten Broich |
client: Reifenhäuser Group | © by ART+COM Studios

© Copyrights by Felix Hardmood Beck, 2002–2023. All rights reserved. 



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