Student projects:

Utilitas, Venustas, Firmitas – Art, Design, Technology Core (CORE-AD-72),
Prof. Felix Hardmood Beck, New York University Abu Dhabi, Spring Semester 2020

Links: about NYUAD’s Core, course schedule

Two-thousand years after the Vitruvian Triad was described, students of the course »Utilitas, Venustas, Firmitas« (latin for usage, beauty, and stability) explored how design influences our life, and investigated the fundamentals of “good design“ – how to be innovative, while keeping the design useful, aesthetic, understandable, unobtrusive, honest, long-lasting, detailed and environmentally friendly, and at the same time focusing on essential aspects. Students took a global look at the status quo of the use of design in media, objects and architecture, and observed its influence to art and technology from past to present, dealing with questions concerning ethics and values. Design tools and processes were highlighted. Lecture and discussion became the breeding ground for concept development and realisation of several cardboard prototypes that are more than just solid, useful and beautiful. This website documents the students’ project results.

Some impressions from the course and the workshop with Tobias Horrocks in February 2020:

New York University Abu Dhabi | Prof. Felix Beck | February – May 2020